An economic reset is coming. It is unavoidable, and it will be hard on our communities, businesses and our families.

1. The Catch 22 Problem

An economy can’t experience growth without a cost for capital. That cost of money is the interest rate. But governments cannot afford interest rates when their spending exceeds 100% of a county’s GDP. That’s the problem we have now. Our federal budget is $6.8 trillion on revenue of $4.3 trillion –  $2.5 trillion more than we’re taking in. Worse still, we’re now having to borrow money just to pay the $1.2 trillion in interest on our debt. The result is unsustainable deficit spending.

Bottom line, no economy in history has survived with these kinds of debts and deficits. None of our political leaders have a solution. The same problem exists in the rest of the world’s developed countries. Economic reset is coming. We will soon reach a tipping point when the nation states of the world are incapable of servicing their sovereign debt.

2.  What does it mean to local communities?

Access to capital will be restricted.

Supply chains will be disrupted.

Shortages will develop.

Unemployment will rise.

Inflation will increase.

3. When will it hit?

Our economy is already showing signs of slipping into recession. Businesses are holding record inventories they can’t sell. Banks are having trouble with liquidity. Manufacturing orders have fallen. Credit card debt and delinquencies among regular consumers are at record highs. Core inflation exceeds 3% annually. It doesn’t matter who becomes president because neither candidate has a solution. It may happen this year or 6 months from now, but the storm is coming and Americans who aren’t prepared will suffer.

4. What can you do about it?

Governments won’t be able to rescue your community as state and federal resources are stretched to the breaking point. The In Trust Network will help you and others in your community organize to meet the oncoming threat, and prepare for local community economic security.

What’s the In Trust Network?


The In Trust Network will help bring together business owners, church leaders, elected officials, law enforcement, NGO’s, and engaged individuals to plan and prepare for what’s coming.


How do we protect small businesses when the reset comes? We’ll provide a guide so businesses, churches, NGO’s and others can work together. We’ll provide a directory of member businesses who can network with one another and do business with those who share their values and concerns. We’ll also work with local and regional banks to make capital more easily accessible to our members.


With news briefings, analysis, organizational training, and ongoing support, members of the In Trust Network will be equipped with the knowledge of what’s coming; how it effects them, their families, and their communities; and what they can do about it. We’ll also facilitate dialogue between communities who can share best practices and what’s working.